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Что делать с ōLand?

Как и какую выгоду я могу с них получить?

How to restart mining without restarting the sync from start.

Hi, I am mining using the command given in https://docs.overline.network/docs/beginners-guide-to-mining-block-collider " docker run --rm --name bcnode \ --memory-reservation="6900m" \ -p 3000:3000 -p 16060:16060 -p 16061:16061 -p 36061:36061 -p 36060:36060 \ -e BC_MINER_KEY="<YOUR_PUBLIC_ADDRESS>" \ -e BC_NETWORK="main" \ -e BC_FORCE_MINE=true \ -e MIN_HEALTH_NET=true \ -e NODE_OPTIONS=--max_old_space_size=6096 \ blockcollider/bcnode:latest \ start --rovers --rpc --ws --ui --node --scookie "scookie" 2>&1 " . Now whenever I stop the mining using "docker stop bcnode" and start it again with the above command, I see that sync start from block-1. Is there a way to restart mining without restarting the sync from start?

how to see my tokens

I participated in ico, how to see my emblem balance?

What is the configuration of computer need to mine NRG

Hi I want to mine NRG thru Docker. So what is the minimum and maximum configuration of computer need to mine NRG thru Docker.

Для чего в будущем нам понадобится Land?

Уверен многих здесь терзает вопрос о том, как вся та земля, которую мы сейчас копим приглашая рефералов, в будущем будет использоваться нами / кем-то другим? Прошу пояснить в малейших подробностях, так как информация на офиц сайте очень поверхностная и не отражает основной сути вопроса, к сожалению.

How to close account

I want to close my account There is no customer support to help with issues Any one know how to close a account ?

Is this a scam? :)

Hi, I have 0 land, and there is no option to unsubscribe/delete my account. Is this just a scam to gather personal data via violationg GDPR and similar data privacy regulations, or what?

oLand Still Unrevealed after almost 2 months

Hi, I hope you can help me because no one appears to able to. All the oLand I have received either by signing up myself or via referral links still appear as UNREVEALED. One person we asked who used our referral link had no such problem. The only response I had from Discord was is it Gen 1 or Gen 2 and when I said Gen 2, there was no response. I did some further digging around and on the FAQ section on the overline.network site, there is a question "Where is my oLand located". The response being "oLand locations will be randomly assigned when the reveal countdown displayed in your oLand account portal ends. Keep an eye on it, you may get lucky" The oLand portal ends was a hyperlink and it too us to the site overline.network/app taking us to the standard sited about referrals for more land. I clicked on "Take me to my oLand Portal" and once again nothing has changed. I did do some other research on the ōLand account portal and it took me to a oLand KYC requirement site which is no longer in use. Can you please help me to get this fixed or at the very least point us in the direction of someone who can. Many Thanks, Ajay


Чего выдаёт ошибку 404 когда я хочу открыть белую бумагу ?


Чего выдаёт ошибку 404 когда я хочу открыть белую бумагу ?