Local CPU Mining: FAQs


Where can I mine Overline?
There are no geographical limitations to running a Overline node, as long as you have an internet connection and meet the hardware / system requirements, you can start up a Overline node anywhere in the world

Do I need to create a Docker account?
You do not need to create a Docker account to mine Overline. To mine using Docker, you simply need to install the Docker program.

Can I run Docker Toolbox?
Some individuals running on old machines have successfully used Docker Toolbox. However, this is not officially supported.

Can I mine with a non-BSEC, Ethereum compatible wallet?
It is possible to mine with any secp256k1 IBAN compatible address (any wallet compatible with Ethereum). However, it is not suggested as this does not generate the required keys also necessary for Overline.

Can I use a previously created BSEC wallet?
Yes! You can (and should) mine with the address in the wallet. After the Target Period your Emblem balance will assist your mining operation.

Do I have to use Docker?
For now, advanced installation or “building from source” is not officially supported. This will change in upcoming releases.

Can I mine using a cloud provider?
Yes. However, in some cases, it voids the user agreement to participate in the mining of crypto currencies.

Can I use my ASIC or GPU miner?
Overline does not use a hashing algorithm for block mining that is resistant to ASIC design, however, its hash algorithm Blake2bl has not been turned into an ASIC yet. NVIDIA GPUs are supported by cloud mining platforms that run linux and the One Click Miner for windows-based machines.

Can I run in relay-only mode?
Yes, you can. Some users will find great benefit of a running a Overline node that is running relay-only and not actually mining. A "Relay-only" node with sync with the network, relay transactions, and provide RPC access. In order to run your miner in relay mode, you simply need to add "--relay-mode" to your run command. The run command will look like this:

docker run --rm --name bcnode \
--memory-reservation="6900m" \
-p 3000:3000 -p 16060:16060 -p 16061:16061 -p 36061:36061 -p 36060:36060 \
-e BC_NETWORK="main" \
-e BC_FORCE_MINE=true \
-e MIN_HEALTH_NET=true \
-e NODE_OPTIONS=--max_old_space_size=6096 \
blockcollider/bcnode:latest \
start --rovers --rpc --ws --ui --node --relay-mode --scookie "scookie" 2>&1

I'm having trouble with my run command, what should I do?
The two most common issues with the run command are:

  • Removal of brackets from the command:
    If your PUBLIC_KEY was 0x1a2b..., the line in the start command should be -e BC_MINER_KEY="0x1a2b...", not -e BC_MINER_KEY="<0x1a2b...>"

  • Windows users not running one line command:
    If you are a Windows user, be sure to use the one line command found here, otherwise the Command Prompt will split the command into multiple lines which will throw an error.

docker run --rm --name bcnode --memory-reservation="6900m" -p 3000:3000 -p 16060:16060 -p 16061:16061 -p 36061:36061 -p 36060:36060 -e BC_MINER_KEY="<YOUR_PUBLIC_ADDRESS>" -e BC_NETWORK="main" -e BC_FORCE_MINE=true -e MIN_HEALTH_NET=true -e NODE_OPTIONS=--max_old_space_size=6096 blockcollider/bcnode:latest start --rovers --rpc --ws --ui --node --scookie "scookie" 2>&1

How do I update my miner to the latest version?
Staying up to date with the latest version of the Overline miner is critical to both your own personal mining experience and the overall health of the network. Notifications of these updates will continue to be posted on Overline Advanced Telegram channel and the Overline Twitter account.

In order to update your miner to the latest version, follow these three steps:

  1. Run the Stop Command:
docker stop bcnode
  1. Run the Pull Latest Command:
docker pull blockcollider/bcnode:latest
  1. Run the Mine Command
docker run --rm --name bcnode \
--memory-reservation="6900m" \
-p 3000:3000 -p 16060:16060 -p 16061:16061 -p 36061:36061 -p 36060:36060 \
-e BC_NETWORK="main" \
-e BC_FORCE_MINE=true \
-e MIN_HEALTH_NET=true \
-e NODE_OPTIONS=--max_old_space_size=6096 \
blockcollider/bcnode:latest \
start --rovers --rpc --ws --ui --node --scookie "scookie" 2>&1

Can I contribute to Overline in a mining pool?
There is no officially sponsored Overline mining pool (yet) but we definitely won’t discourage collaboration amongst the community.

Reviewing the Overline scripting language, Timble, will be the best source for getting everything you need to know about how to create not only a Overline mining pool, but other applications built on Overline as well.

For a glimpse into the community-led development already under way, feel free to check out this EMB Nation thread, where we highlight projects built using Overline from member of our community

How can I see my Emblem / Overline balance?
To check your Emblem balance you need to use https://multiverse.blockcollider.org.

How do I apply my Emblems to my miner?
Emblems for performance mining apply to the number of transactions that you can store in a block. Having the Emblems tokens in the Miner ID, your Ethereum public address, will apply the Emblem boost. Note that Emblem boosts will not be applied until Emblems have been unlocked.

What are Rovers & Miners?
Rovers are built into the mining process. They are responsible for relaying blocks to the miners as fast as possible from each supported network. A rover is also bi-directional in that it also broadcasts transactions back to a blockchain on behalf of the miner.

My miner has the blocks of each blockchain, now what?
The heads of the blockchains or the latest block are selected. These are the block that your miner will “mine” on top of. The miner must find a string that when hashed with a Blake2BL hash has a minimum edit-distance from the merkle and nonce pair of each block in the blockchain.

Once this is found a miner could submit the raw string “pre-hashing” and the hash headers which are above the minimum threshold.

What if a blockchain adds another block before the next block has been found?
A blockchain block received by a miner before the next Overline block has been found is concatenated to its parent block hash and the mining process continues with a slightly lower minimum distance threshold until the threshold is so low the block’s match is easily found.

How do transactions work?
Each transaction submitted to the Overline chain includes a fee and its own minimum distance threshold. The minimum distance threshold is the similarity of a string that must be found for the TX hash. For instance, a transaction submitted to the Overline would look like this:

FEE: 0.13 (in NRG)

In the above example a string binding must be found of minimum distance 1.1 to the TX_HASH. If that is found a miner could broadcast the TX and claim a portion of the fee which is split between the discovering miner of the transaction and the miner of the block. This ensures that the TX Pool maintains maximum uptime while also providing access to miners who don’t have resources or capital to invest in significant hardware.

How are transactions added to a block?
Instead of using byte size or transaction count, the Overline using a maximum total sum of distances of transactions as a limit. For example if my default max sum of distance is 5 and I wanted to add transactions with distances 1.3, 3.3, and 6 I would be forced to drop one of the transactions (the third) to provide a valid block. Of course a miner might find it prudent to conduct further work on a transaction to make sure it gets added to a block.

Don’t see your question above?
Ask for Help! Join other Miners & Developers in the OverlineAdvanced Telegram channel and at www.EMBnation.com.